Here are some lesser known facts about the Dengue-causing-mosquito.
The aedes mosquito

 1-   It’s the ladies that come for you.

Yeah, you heard me right. It’s the female mosquitoes that bite you. They need the nutrients in the blood to produce eggs. It’s when they consume blood from someone that has the circulating virus, they get infected.
So, it’s the female aedes aegypti that’s killing close to one million people a year.
Truly lives up to the tag “why should boys have all the fun”?
female mosquito

2-   They don’t wait for the night.

It’s during the day that aedes aegypti attacks the most. Couple of hours after sunrise and some hours before sunset is their prime time. Of course, they can bite at anytime and they are an urgent threat caused by the mosquito prevalent diseases.
So, again, going against the common notion, it’s not always safe during the day.

 If any symptoms are observed contact our dengue helpline.

Zika, dengue amd yellow fever causing aedes mosquito

3-   Aedes aegypti can be identified from their behavior.

           There is no significant difference, in the appearance  of a normal mosquito and an aedes aegypti, but there is a difference in their behavior. If the mosquito is biting you indoors, during the day time, the chances are that they are the aedes mosquito.

aedes mosquito cartoon

4-   Can aedes aegpypti only fly at knee level?

Contrary to the myth, the aedes mosquitoes have been recorded to fly at a height of 200 meters to lay their eggs. So next time someone sends you a message about wearing a pant and being immune to Dengue, just send them this link.
knee protection from aedes mosquito

5-   Aedes aegypti are highly invasive.

They spread like wild fire, they have been transmitting diseases like Zika, chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever, around the world in just about 2 centuries, owing  to their reproductive cycle. A single female aedes aegypti can lay around 100 eggs per feed of blood, and can produce 5 batches like these in her two week long life span. They can stay dormant for 6 months and hatch when submerged in water.
life cycle of mosquitoes

5-   Can coconut oil help in preventing Dengue virus ?

No, It’s not proven by any scientific research that the aedes aegypti can be kept at bay using coconut oil. So the best possible way is still keeping your surroundings clean and covering yourself completely.
coconut oil as protection from mosquito

              Keep yourself updated on health tips by signing up on             QUALITY HEALTH


  1. Knowledgeable message for all

  2. Good darlings ,,, I sent to my sister

  3. Hi I'm the Ambassador of purity in my school. I have to make an awareness on dengue creating mosquito. These passages really helped me to know about adese mosquito. Thank you.

  4. I live in Paraguay where, sadly, we've been coexisting with Dengue and Aedes for many years and every year. I'd like to note that there IS a visible difference between the Aedes and most other mosquitos. Their ZEBRA like stripes on their legs are quite easily seen from a couple of meters aways, provided there is enough light. Down here, after clapping one we ALWAYS check if it is an Aedes and we can tell for SURE by just looking at its legs: If they're stripped you brace for what's probably coming for you the next week.

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